The most important rule of fashion for beauty woman does not involve the clothes you wear, but it does influence the image you portray and carry yourself. When you display a positive image, then you will look more attractive and self-confident regardless of your fashions.
Here are a few fashion mistakes you should try to avoid at all times.
» Appearing dirty and sloppy: Always look professional. Keep your nails clean and evenly trimmed. Extremely long or uncut nails are a real turnoff, too. Your nails should be groomed and neat. Make sure your shoes are polished, out-of-date shoes should be thrown out or kept for other occasions.
» Wearing colors that don’t work for you: Experiment with different colors and palettes that look best on you. All colors are good to is the shade of the color that needs attention. That is why, if you are shopping for a blue jacket, you want to have several shades of the blue and hold each one up to your face to see which one is most attractive. If you don't know, take a friend with you who can give you feedback. Tan and brown skinned people wear bright white best. Black is a non-color that projects an air of mystery. Greens and blues are calming and not threatening. Yellows are sunny and cheery. Astrologers say that gold has the capacity to be emotionally warm, loving, and nurturing and that lovers have a lot of gold energy flowing between them. Silver is suggested if you are going to an outside event because the night sky will play off of it where gold will look drab.
» Wearing clothes that don’t fit: If it doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. Don't buy clothes that don't fit properly. Just because you can squeeze into a size 6, that doesn't mean you should! Wearing trousers or skirts that are too tight at the waist will cause the flesh there to be squeezed, giving even the slimmest women a conspicuous belly bulge. To combat this dreaded phenomenon (also known as muffin top), make sure your waist area isn't tight, not even snug. Find clothes that make you look beautiful and attractive. It will make you feel better when your clothes fit appropriately.
» Not choosing your accessories wisely: Don’t over accessorize. Choose accessories that match your style. Never wear large costume jewelry. Don't wear more than two rings per hand or one earring per ear.
» Creating a mish-mash wardrobe: Plan before you buy. Buying odds and ends on sale may seem to save you money, but it will leave you searching for clothes. You’ll end up with tons of clothes and nothing to wear. Make a list of all the items you need in your wardrobe, then set aside an hour of time each week to shop -- online or off.
» Overdosing on prints or fabrics: Don’t wear head-to-toe denim or nylon bottoms with a nylon top. Don’t try to mix and match prints, choose a pattern on the top or bottom, not both.
» Bras and bra straps that show When wearing sleeveless tops make sure you wear a racer back bra. Don’t wear bras that fit too tightly or don’t have good support.
» Do not rely too heavily on the fashion media. By relying too heavily on the media to rule your wardrobe, you run the risk of being a fashion victim. Remember: most magazines and TV programs about fashion produce an "aspirational" effect. They present you with fabulous clothes you'll want to buy on fabulous models you'll want to look like. The problem is that a) you probably can't afford any of the clothes they show and b) you're never going to look like a supermodel or a celebrity.
» Roots that show If you color your hair make sure you keep it maintained regularly.
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